Wednesday 27 April 2011


We always want good things to happen to us and we want miracles too. But we do not believe in miracles. We have been raised to question everything, to ask for proof. If something is not tangible, it can’t be. If we can’t see it we won’t believe in its existence. We often find it easy to disbelieve than to believe. 

I say if there is no belief, there cannot be a miracle. When we strongly believe in something, it happens, good or bad. So rather than questioning the existence of God and goodness in other humans, let us just believe. Believe that good brings good, love attracts love and no act of kindness goes to waste. It is not about expecting people to be good to you; it is about being good to others and believing that that is the only way. 

We often complain about being miserable and the tribulations we have to go through. We ask God “Why me”? We do not realize that knowingly or unknowingly we have harmed and hurt so many other living beings in this lifetime or the other. We cannot escape the repercussions. We say we are good people, but don’t we always hurt the ones who love us the most? Don’t we just blindly run after money and forget all about the relationships around us that bring the most joy to our lives? Don’t we forsake our dreams and stop believing in ourselves? Don’t we act selfish with the ones who care the world about us? Yes, we do all of this and a lot more. 

Let’s understand that if life’s not going our way then there must be a reason. More than God’s will it is the result of our past actions. God loves us and would never put us through hell. Hell exists but only in our actions and thoughts. In God there is only love and Heaven.  So don’t blame God for things not being right. Believe in the goodness of your Soul and believe in the miracles you can experience in life through love and kindness.